A Merry Christmas Greeting from the Dickson Family!

Click below to watch a special Christmas day message from Pastor Kenny.


Advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts and minds for Jesus' coming.

Journey with us as we delight in these expectant days. 



Sunday, December 31 | first Sunday of Christmas

New beginnings are a time of exploring, imagination, and hope for the future. The birth of Jesus holds promise and possibility for Mary and Joseph and all the world; the new year invites us to new possibilities as well. Perhaps you will reexamine your health practices, reflect on how we connect with others, and resolve to adjust personal attitudes or limiting beliefs. What will our family of faith resolve to do this year in response to the immeasurable grace of God born anew in Bethlehem?

10:15 am   Worship

Traditional worship for the entire family with Holy Communion.


Tuesdays, Dec. 5, 12, & 19 | Weekly Devotions

KOG leaders will share a brief devotion based on the Word of the Day from AdventWord.org. These short videos will arrive in your email on Tuesdays during Advent as well as the KOG Facebook page and website. Our hope is that you find them inspiring, thought-provoking and comforting during this season of waiting. 



Wednesdays, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 13, & 20 | Advent Study

6:00 pm  Dinner in the Activity Center
6:30 pm  Adults in the Fellowship Hall
                 First - Fifth Grade Children in Rm. 213

Join us on Wednesdays this Advent Season as we study the gifts offered to Jesus in the Gospel Birth Narratives, and reflect on the gifts we can bring to Christ, the Church and community. Pastor Kenny will be leading a study titled "What Gifts We Bring" and Miss Rainey will be taking our children around the world, experiencing celebrations of Advent and Christmas in different cultures.


Saturday, Dec. 9| Christmas Carol(ing) Bingo

5:00 pm  Caroling to Memory Care Facilities
6:00 pm  Chili Potluck Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm  Christmas Carol Bingo

Come for the entire evening or just one part. We look forward to sharing this fun event with you!
Attire: Red/Green or an Ugly Christmas Sweater for fun (not required). Please sign up HERE so we can make preparations! For more information, email or .


Sunday, December 17 | Lessons & Carols

10:15 am   Worship

This service of worship recounts Humanity’s fall, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus in short Bible readings from Genesis through the prophets and the Gospels. It is a beloved Advent tradition where we alternate music and spoken word to reflect on the Light that was brought into a dark world. Each text is followed by a musical work illuminating its lesson. The Sanctuary Choir, King of Glory Ringers, Choral Scholars, and children's choir will lead us through worship.  It will be a joy-filled event to usher in the birth of our Savior!


Sunday, December 24 | Fourth Sunday of Advent

10:15 am   Worship

The pace of Advent moves quickly today, gathering in the morning for Advent worship and again tonight for Christmas Eve. The theme of waiting is a familiar one for Advent, but this year’s schedule calls to mind the overlapping realities of living in the already/not yet—holding fast to the promises of God while awaiting their fulfillment. The kingdom of God doesn’t emerge in neat linear time but in fits and starts, glimpses and longing. Mary’s song in particular melds past and future as her ancient words recall Hannah’s song and prophecy, and she speaks in the past tense of God’s actions in the future. Our experience of time is ever shifting, speeding up and slowing down. 


Sunday, December 24 | Christmas Eve Worship

In winter’s deepest night, we welcome the light of the Christ child. Isaiah declares that the light of the long-promised king will illumine the world and bring endless peace and justice. Paul reminds us that the grace of God through Jesus Christ brings salvation to all people. The angels declare in the Gospel of Luke that Jesus’ birth is good and joyful news for all people, including lowly shepherds. Filled with the light that shines in our lives, we go forth to share the light of Christ with the whole world.

3:00 pm  Family Christmas Eve Worship

Bring your family and your Christmas cheer as we celebrate the birth of our Savior with carols, electric candles, Holy Communion, and a children's sermon.

 5:00 & 7:00 pm  Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

Celebration of the birth of the Christ child with festival worship services of carols, candlelight, Holy Communion, and music from the King of Glory Choir. 


Sundays and Seasons © 2018 Augsburg Fortress. Reprinted with permission.
