Sunday Morning Classes



As we live our faith out in community, it is important to prioritize activities and choices that help us grow in faith. Sunday mornings we come together to learn more about God and our relationships with God, one another, and creation.

Join a Sunday morning class at 9:00,
connect with a small group, or find a place to serve.

 SUNDAYS at 9am

Summer Classes:

(Childcare is available. Please contact Rainey Smith)


According to Christ (Gospel) and Revelation
for (not only) Reluctant Lutherans!

Here is your chance to dive into the fascinating world of Revelation! Our overall theme is:

Christ is victorious over all things and wants us to place all our hope and our faith in Him alone!

Join us on Sunday mornings this Summer as we work together to untangle the difficulties of this subject and attempt to address the fears many have about the Revelation of John. Taught by Steve Lund, Torbjorn Redaelli, and Pr. Kenny.

June 2 - August 4
Sundays at 9 am - Lower Level Fellowship Hall

Registration is not required, but will add you to the class email list.


What about Jesus?

Who is Jesus? What did He say? Did He mean it?

Let's find out in an eight week summer Sunday school study of "Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus" as expressed by Christian theologian and author, Jim Wallis. His recent book, Christ in Crisis, examines eight radical questions central to Jesus's teaching ministry that are vital to our lives and society today - questions such as "Who is my neighbor?" and "Who has been created in the image of God?" Join us as we consider how our responses to these questions, both in our private lives and in our public behavior, may lead us to more fully reclaim and follow the New Testament teachings of Jesus here in our time.

We're looking forward to an amazing summer. From the book's flyleaf: "By asking ourselves eight tough questions, we can measure whether we are thinking and acting ‘in Jesus's name,’ he (Wallis) reveals how following the teachings of Jesus emboldens and empowers us to ‘be not afraid,: but to act in courage and hope.’"

June 23 - August 11
Sundays at 9 am - Lower Level Room 10

Registration is not required, but will add you to the class email list.



Unable to Make it on Sunday?

Many Adult Education classes are available to you on AmplifyMedia.

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  • Congregation Access Code: KHLRYJ

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