Neighborhood Connection Groups link geographical neighborhoods to offer connection, prayers, care, and support to those closest to them. Each neighborhood has a dedicated helper to provide communication to their group members when a situation of concern arises. Members will share care for each other through visits, calls, and connecting. The initial sharing of a member's need is met by the Neighborhood Connection Group Coordinators and Pastoral staff reaching out to the neighborhood leaders. We are here for you! NCG Coordinators: Michelle Hild, and Vernell Shuey, .
Parish Care TeamCaring volunteers provide support to members in need. May include driving to appointments or worship, meals, and communion. |
Stephen MinistryStephen Ministers provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care and support to people experiencing difficult times or transitions in life. |
Prayer TeamWhether facing joys or challenges, our Prayer Team members are ready to pray with and for you. |
Counseling & SupportFor those times when one-on-one or group support is needed, King of Glory has many options for you and your family. |